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Tagalong Adventures Australia

Searching for posts in the month of: April 2024

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DUBBO REUNION 2024 - by Fiona Owens


By Fiona Owens 10/4/24

There was movement on the highway

They came from near and far

Motorhome, mini-bus, caravan and car

Safari addicts reunion at Dubbo has begun

One long happy hour for two days of fun

All parked up together at Billy’O Bush Retreat

Catching up with travel mates that we came to meet

Mark, the owner, a bit of a larrikin

Gave us cryptic clues for a competition to win

Wander through the sheds and yard

Just look around for answers its not hard

Gather up for prizes and afternoon tea

Raffle draws, tall tales and bush poetry

Come in for a delicious dinner of stew

Damper rolls and jacket potatoes too

Line up in a semi circle in our shirts of lime green

For a group photo shoot to be sure we’ll be all seen

Learnt about horse shoeing and forging iron

Then working the hot steel till its shape was just fine

A display of wood cutting with a huge circular saw

To the days of the axe and using a chainsaw

Disk bowls, finska and ladder golf games

Please all play nice and no calling names

With 41 vans and 70 people it’s been a blast

Remembering good times from safaris past

Raise up your glasses let’s have a cheer

To Andrew and Renee for bringing us here

Posted in: Tagalong Adventures Australia at 18 April 24

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